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Diesel generator sets – used for either prime or backup (emergency) power – must be regularly maintained to ensure they provide quality power throughout their service life.  Best generator maintenance practice is following the maintenance schedule provided by the manufacturer of the generator. We strictly adhere to the same. We have been installing and maintaining generators for years.

We provides wide range of service facilities like Preventive maintenance plan, Annual Maintenance contracts, Routine checks, Breakdown repairs etc as per the requirement.

Some of the steps taken to ensure smooth generator operation while carrying out scheduled maintenance include:

• Timely removal of worn out parts or upgrading the components
• Checking fluid levels
• Battery inspection and cleaning of connections
• Load bank testing
• Verifying control panel readings and indicators
• Changing fuel and air filters

Small investments made in replacing components and maintaining generators on a regular basis can save expensive and unnecessary upgrades or even replacement of the entire genset in the future. When performing routine maintenance, each action taken should be logged, and the readings and various parameters are recorded along with the date of inspection and hour meter reading of the generator. These set of readings are compared with the next set of data collected. Any absurd variation of readings indicates faulty performance of the unit.

Load testing of automatic transfer switches in regular intervals keeps track of the component’s electrical and mechanical integrity in the actual mechanical transfer operation. Other factors to be checked periodically are starting and timing relays, start signal continuity, and utility phase sensing.

Preventative maintenance thus ensures that you get uninterrupted power supply for all your needs. You are assured of service on priority basis in case of dire emergency and discounted service rate for additional support or work. Once a business enters into such contracts, the facility can relax on this aspect as we keeps track of when the next servicing is due and makes the visits in regular intervals.

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